German for musicians

Online courses

Music and German!

Would you like to speak both languages? Then I am the right person to ask!

I am a professional musician and language trainer combining German and music in a special way: I speak music.

If you sing in a foreign language, you need to not only understand the content of the piece and practise the correct pronunciation, but also through the understanding of the word-sound relationship, to optimise musical expression.

A special emphasis of the training, also for all non-singers, lies in the mastery of specialist musical language and interaction with other music-makers, for competent exchanges and fluent chit-chat in the breaks, not forgetting language orientation in everyday situations.

We advise on a personal basis in order to formulate an optimised language course for you.

Streamlined language training according to your personal wishes and specific needs.

One to one lessons can be arranged to take place in our premises and/or online.

For your convenience and flexibility the training can be easily integrated into your daily routine.

Please contact us at any time for an individual offer. We look forward to advising you.


Birgit Stecker-Dick combines language and musical competence:

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Mondus Essen: 0201 85 86 29 42
Mondus Pulheim: 02238 47 87 090
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